March 11, 2012



Antonio Gades.El Amor Brujo. Danza del Fuego Fatuo

West Side Story’s “America”
Bob Fosse_Little Prince"(1974)
Gene Kelly & Donald O'Connor - Moses supposes

October 25, 2011


Konstanz to Jerusalem_ Konrad von Grünenberg,1487
I love how so much emphasis in much medieval art was placed on imagination rather than accuracy, and yet there’s such a compact, concise “feeling” of each city. Long before you pick out the different details, you get a clear sense of place.Beautiful and inspiring. Book on line

Gustave Doré_1832-1883
French artist, engraver, sculptor and illustrator. In these pictures: The lustful are blasted by the tempest, The empyrean (The divine comedy of Dante) and the last Don Quijote.

October 4, 2011


Giovanni Battista Piranesi_ The Prisons_ 1750
Italian etcher, archaeologist and architect. These 16 pictures are so inspiring and anyone can dream of a story into one of these prisons. Imagine the suffering, the screams of pain, torture…In short, everything a literary exercise…Piranesi show enormous subterranean vaults with stairs and mighty machines. Digital Gallery_ Piranesi´s work

Tadanori Yokoo_
Japanese graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker and painter.

Others urban context

October 3, 2011


Andreas Vesalius _” De humani corporis fabrica”_1543
The book contains a detailed examination of the organs and a complete human body structure. For this purpose effected many dissections of cadavers to illustrate their presentations. This would not have been possible without the many advances that occurred in the Renaissance, this stage raised a new way of seeing the world and human beings. This produces a renewal in the sciences natural and human, including developments in the field of art and technique of printing. The impulse to the anatomical study, also came the art, painters and sculptors who, with the humanistic spirit, wanted to know the human body to represent it in all its beauty. Book on line

I admire these pictures, how to conceive and transmit knowledge of anatomy, under a model of illusionist perspective where the body is expressed visually in its entirety with the same rigour and meticulousness with which an elevation in perspective would show the structure of a building.

José Celestino Mutis _1783-1816
In 1783 began the Royal Botanical Expedition to the New Kingdom of Granada, an adventure that lasted 34 years. Led by the priest and botanist, José Celestino Mutis. Royal Botanic Garden Madrid has just published online the more than 7000 drawings are preserved in this institution, beautifully digitized. View On-line Exhibition

Ernst Haeckel_”Art Forms of Nature”_ 1904
German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who promoted and popularized Charles Darwin's work. Book on line: Book on line